Del 23-05-2012 al 25-05-2012
Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, Spain, Aulario General y Facultad de Matemáticas
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Continuing the series of Conferences in India (2000), Poland (2002-04), Turkey (2005), Iran (2006), Jordan (2007), Germany (2008), Egypt (2010) the Department of Statistics and Operations Research of University of Murcia will host the 10th International Conference on Ordered Statistical Data and Its Applications OSDA 2012. The meeting will be held at the Faculty of Mathematics, Espinardo Campus, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain, May 23th - 25th, 2012. The closing plennary conference will be held at the CIM assembly hall, at the Technical University of Cartagena.
Participants from universities, business, administration, and industry are welcome.
Conference language will be English.
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La inscripción ha finalizado.
oct '11
16:00 Apertura de inscripciones
nov '11
18:00 Apertura de subida de resúmenes
feb '12
17:00 End of early registration fees
abr '12
17:59 Cierre de subida de resúmenes
16:00 End of regular registration fees
15:59 Cierre de inscripciones
may '12
16:00 End of late registration fees
09:00 Fecha de inicio
20:00 Fecha de fin
Murcia University,
Technical University of Cartagena,
Facultad de Matemáticas, Murcia University
Oficina de Congresos de Cartagena
Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Murcia University
Departamento de Matemática Aplicada y Estadística, Technical University of Cartagena,
Plenary Speakers:
B.C. Arnold (University of California, USA)
B.E. Khaledi (Razi University, Iran)
T. Rychlik (Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland).
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