Del 07/20/2013 to 07/29/2013
VENUE, Facultad de Economía y Empresa
Organized by Canterbury Christ Church University - Konya Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi - Universidad de Murcia - Universitetet i Oslo - University College Dublin - Uniwersytet Jagiellioński
The European Commission’s LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME enables people at all stages of their lives to take part in stimulating learning experiences, as well as helping to develop the education and training sector across Europe. With a budget of nearly €7 billion for 2007 to 2013, the programme funds a range of actions including exchanges, study visits and networking activities. Projects are intended not only for individual students and learners, but also for teachers, trainers and all others involved in education and training. There are four sub-programmes which fund projects at different levels of education and training: Comenius for schools; Erasmus for higher education; Leonardo da Vinci for vocational education and training, and Grundtvig for adult education.
ERASMUS is the EU's flagship education and training programme enabling 200 000 students to study and work abroad each year. In addition, it funds co-operation between higher education institutions across Europe. The programme not only supports students, but also professors and business staff who want to teach abroad, as well as helping university staff to receive training.
ERASMUS actions include support for Intensive Programmes. An INTENSIVE PROGRAMME (IP) is a short programme of study which brings together students and staff from higher education institutions of at least three participating countries. It aims to:
* Encourage efficient and multinational teaching of specialist topics which might otherwise not be taught at all, or only in a very restricted number of higher education institutions;
* Enable students and teachers to work together in multinational groups and so benefit from special learning and teaching conditions not available in a single institution, and to gain new perspectives on the topic being studied;
* Allow members of the teaching staff to exchange views on teaching content and new curricula approaches and to test teaching methods in an international classroom environment.
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