We invite you to join leading international scholars and fellow researchers in an in-depth exploration and discussion of the latest theoretical, empirical and methodological dimensions of controlled and classroom-based research into L2 writing, writing processes, and written corrective feedback appropriation in both pen and paper and digital environments.
The aim of this second edition of the UMU Research Seminar is to bring together experts in the field to take stock of the latest theoretical and empirical developments and advance future research agendas.
Virtual Conference held by the University of Murcia in Spain from 20-22 May, 2021.
On Days 1 and 2, state-of-the-art, position papers, and empirical studies will be presented and discussed by invited guest speakers in a series of specialised sessions (see list of invited speakers below).
Day 3 will be dedicated to parallel sessions for which participants are invited to submit proposals presenting original research on the Seminar themes (empirical studies, up to 300-word abstracts). Participants will present their proposals synchronously via ZOOM.
Melissa Bowles, University of Illinois, USA
Idoia Elola, Texas Tech University, USA
Dana Ferris, University of California-Davis, USA
David Galbraith, Universiy of Southampton, UK
Meg Gebhard, University of Massachusetts, USA
Marta González Lloret, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, USA
Judit Kormos, Lancaster University, UK
Icy Lee, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Ron Leow, Georgetown University, USA
Marije Michel, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Lourdes Ortega, Georgetown University, USA
Ana Oskoz, University of Maryland-Baltimore County, USA
Mark Pacheco, University of Florida, USA
Charlene Polio, Michigan State University, USA
Andrea Révesz, University College London, UK
Gert Rijlaarsdam, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Click here.
**Registration: places on the virtual platform are limited.